20 Panorama | Wofford Heights | Ca | 93285 760-376-6719
Located in the heart of Wofford Heights, directly across from the Reel Cinema
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 277 | Wofford Heights | Ca | 93285

Until the great mass of the people shall be filled with the sense of responsibility for each other's welfare, social justice can never be attained.
Helen Keller

triplefect training church
Meets at The Square Sunday's @ 10:30am
Follow us on facebook @ THE SQUARE
To receive text updates + changes to service times text "church" to (760) 388 -7495
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City Serve works with a wide range of collaborative partners including government agencies, faith-based nonprofits, corporations, retailers, farm and food suppliers and more. To help mobilize churches for greater impact in their communities.

We always need volunteers to pick up, unload, organize and distribute the items. If you are interested please call us at 760-376-6719 to sign up.

Do you need or know someone who needs resources?
Call us at 760-376-6719.