1/17/23 Lit Word "Relationship and Rest"

Jan 17, 2024

Date: 1/17/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Genesis 35:1 - 36:43
NT: Matthew 12
Psalms: 15
Proverbs: 3:21-26

Neal’s Lit Word


Title: “Relationship and Rest”

Scripture: Matthew 12:13-15

Then Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand!” And he stretched it out and it was restored to normal, like the other.

But the Pharisees [religious leaders] went out, counseled together against Him as to how they might destroy Him.

But Jesus, aware of this, withdrew from there. And many followed Him, and He healed them.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

My child, mercy, compassion and forgiveness are always My mission. I came to earth to destroy death and hatred through love. Heartless religion is about following rules, not loving people. I am about love, not legalism. Release yourself from the pressure of performance and rest in My love. In my presence is fullness of joy. Healing, kindness and care are what you find when you are walking with Me. Reject the heavy burdens of religion and rest in My presence.


Application: What will I do about it?

Accept the rest Jesus lived and died to give us. Simplify life down to experiencing His presence and walking in enjoyment with the Holy Spirit.
Release all rules that don’t lead to relationship and rest in Christ. The only striving we are called to walk in is the striving to stay in His presence and eliminate distractions.



Holy Spirit, reset our minds from religious rule keeping to relationship and rest. Teach us to cling to You, to learn from You and to rest in You. Amen


I Am Grateful For… Relationship and Rest

Tracker Questions

What areas of your life do you tend to turn your relationship with God into rule keeping instead of relationship?

What do you need to do to adjust this mentality to make it more about relationship than rule keeping?

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