The Square
Was built and established as a church in the late 1960’s. It was constructed in 3 primary stages over a period of 25 years. In the third stage of construction which was completed in the early 1990’s a gymnasium was added along with a three story building. The original hope for the 3 story building was that a school would be created. Though that never happened, this portion of the building has served many purposes over the years.
When Pastors Neal and Amie Preston became the leaders of the Foursquare church; they had a broad vision for how this property should be used. Both Neal and Amie were raised in this community and have been a part of this Foursquare church most of their lives. They believe churches consist of groups of people, churches are not buildings. They say, “Many ‘church buildings’ are not used to their full potential, sometimes they are only utilized a few hours per week for religious gatherings. Repurposing the use of the ‘church building’ to impact more people's lives is an easy decision to make for us. We want to see The Square used 7 days a week as a place for gathering and growing as a community.”

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