1/18/24 Lit Word “Continual Fullness”

Jan 18, 2024

Date: 1/18/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Genesis 37:1 - 38:30
NT: Matthew 12:22-45
Psalms: 16
Proverbs: 3:27-32

Neal’s Lit Word


Title: “Continual Fullness”

Scripture: Psalm 16:11

You will make known to me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

Child, I want to reveal to you the path of life. When you pursue Me and My presence you enter into fullness of joy. I deliver the pleasures you are looking for. These pleasures are different from those your flesh cries out for. Your flesh is looking for instant gratification through pleasure. The problem is those pleasures have a beginning and an end and need continual stimulation. My pleasures are found through continual connection through the Holy Spirit. The purpose of obedience is the discovery of the path of life. Obedience may delay gratification from your flesh but it enacts gratification to your spirit. Seek a love with Me that keeps you continually connected. I want to make known my paths to you.


Application: What will I do about it?

Allow the Holy Spirit to prune away distractions that take us out of His presence. Center your conscious mind today on staying present with Jesus, pay attention for the distractions that steal your attention. When you notice a distraction, acknowledge it, and bring it into the presence of God in your mind. Ask the Holy Spirit what to do with it. Then do it.



Jesus, joy is found in You. Holy Spirit, fill us to overflowing today so that your joy can abound in all things. We desire your fullness God. We lean into it. Amen.


I Am Grateful For… Fullness of Joy in His Presence.

Tracker Questions

When was the last time you experienced fullness of joy in the presence of God?

What do you need to repent of in order to experience that fullness continually?

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