1/30/24 Lit Word “Healthy Sacred Respect”

Jan 30, 2024

Date: 1/30/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Exodus 10:1 - 12:13
NT: Matthew 20:1-28
Psalms: 25
Proverbs: 6:12-15

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Healthy Sacred Respect”

Scripture: Psalm 25:12 and 4

12 Who is the man who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose.

4 Make me know Your ways, O Lord; Teach me your paths.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Child, the fear I am referring to is not terror or any cause to be afraid. This fear is deep respect, adoration and desire to please your Master, who is also your loving Father. Yes, for those who do not know Me, there is a great reason to be in terror and afraid for your life. Those who reject Me lose their lives in a lake of fire…. But for those who repent and turn to Me, I embrace them with open arms and will teach the way of life. Stand corrected in My presence and I will show you paths you do not see and teach you things you cannot know without Me.


Application: What will I do about it?

Hold a healthy fear of His holiness in mind at all times. Stand in the presence of holiness and allow the God of all wonder and mystery to reveal to you the secrets of life, purpose and calling. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.



Holy Spirit, You are my instructor. You have revealed who You are and the path You want me to follow time and again. Do it again today Lord. I call on the God of Jacob (Israel) to renew my mind once again in Your presence. Speak Lord, Your servant is listening.


I Am Grateful For… “Healthy Sacred Respect”

Tracker Questions

Do you take His presence in your life for granted?

What would it look like for you to increase “Healthy Sacred Respect” in your life today?

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