10/8/23 Lit Word "Die Already"

Oct 08, 2023

Date: 10/08/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Jeremiah 10:1-11:23
NT: Colossians 3:18-4:18
Psalms: 78:56-72
Proverbs: 24:28-29

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Die Already”

Scripture: Psalms 78:72

And David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Child, I want to help your heart align with My heart. The places of your heart that are off track can be corrected easily. You don’t have to struggle or wrestle to bring things into alignment. This isn’t a matter of striving for excellence or straining for strength. Release the control of your interior world to Me. Mesh your heart with My heart and do not take control back.
You will not be perfect by a long shot, I’m not asking you to be perfect, I’m asking you to surrender to my presence. It’s an inside job!

Application: What will I do about it?

Find freedom in surrendering your heart, your mind and your will to the Holy Spirit. To live with internal integrity, not just “external integrity,” which is not integrity at all, we must stop thinking of ourselves as separate from the Holy Spirit. This morning I noticed when I think of my interior world I imagine my spirit and the Holy Spirit both inhabiting the same body. Sometimes I listen to my spirit and sometimes I listen to the Holy Spirit. This has to end today. No longer can I think of my spirit and the Holy Spirit as separate, I must think of them as One. When my spirit seeks to “do its own thing” I will remind myself that there is no such thing as my own thing.
It’s no longer I who live, but only Christ lives within me. This is how we can walk with integrity of heart. It’s no longer I who live, only Christ lives in Me.


Holy Spirit, have complete control. For too many years I have thought of my spirit as co-mingling with Your Spirit… from now on Lord I will think differently. Your Spirit is the only Spirit that lives in me. Your Spirit has complete control over my body. It’s not my body, It’s your body, It’s not my spirit, It’s Your Spirit. It’s not my life, It’s Your life living in Me. Amen.

I Am Grateful For… the process of dying to myself. Like a bad actor who dies a long, drawn out, slow death, I have made quite a “scene” in the process. Haha. Today, after nearly 24 years of being born again, I once again pronounce, Neal is officially dead…again!

Tracker Questions

Why do you find integrity of heart to be so difficult?

What does it mean to have integrity of heart to you?

What will you do to walk in integrity of heart?

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