11/27/23 Lit Word "Contact Highs"

Nov 27, 2023

Date: 11/27/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Daniel 4:1-37
NT: 2 Peter 1:1-21
Psalms: 119:97-112
Proverbs: 28:17-18

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: Contact Highs

Scripture: Psalm 119:103,105

How sweet are your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

I didn’t leave you helpless without light. I have given you My words to light the way. Wandering in darkness brings hopelessness, confusion and misery. Think about moments in your life when you felt lost and didn’t know which direction to go. In moments of darkness and desperation panic can set in and you can make rash decisions that cause more damage and bring more misery. My words light the path, they are sweeter than honey. They bring hope and life to hurting and wandering hearts. Become intimate with My words, soak them up, stew on them, breathe them in. They are the difference between life and death to you. Life and light are found in My words, death and misery are found when you separate from My words.


Application: What will I do about it?

When we connect with Jesus through His words we get a contact high. Making contact with the Most High God elevates our spirits, lifts us up and sets our feet on secure ground. We must stay in contact with His word through studying scripture daily, through writing down what He speaks to us, through talking to God throughout the day, and giving thanks and praise for His love that made a way out of darkness and into heavenly light.



Holy Spirit, thank You for lighting the way for us. We would be lost without You. Thank You for showing us how to stay close to You and allowing us to understand Your words. Cause our spirits to recognize Your voice, and keep us aware of your presence on a moment by moment basis. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


I Am Grateful For… Contact Highs

Tracker Questions

What can you do each day to increase your contact with the Holy Spirit?

What distractions cause you to break contact with God and what can you do to eliminate those distractions?

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