12/19/23 Lit Word “Imperfect ⬆️ Love”

Dec 19, 2023

Date: 12/19/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Zephaniah 1:1 - 3:20
NT: Revelation 10
Psalms: 138
Proverbs: 30:11–14

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Increased ⬆️ Love”

Scripture: Psalm 138:8

The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; Your lovingkindness Lord is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of your hands.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

My child, when you align your heart with My heart then what concerns you concerns Me. The things that are troubling you are also troubling Me when our hearts are aligned. You are precious to Me. You are the center of my attention, I don’t take My eyes off of you, I love you. I will love you forever, with an everlasting love. I will not reject or forsake you. Will you keep your heart directed toward Me? Will you forsake or reject Me? Flee from anything that drags you away from devotion and love. When you and I are one, you are safe and secure in My care.


Application: What will I do about it?

Worship, pray, study, sing…. Bring full attention to the King of heaven and the King 👑of our hearts! Take time today to adore the One who made you.



Jesus, Your love for us is greater than we can imagine. Help us to return love and devotion to You, because you love us so well. You died to set us free from the effects of sin and death. We receive your love today. Please receive our imperfect love too! Amen!


I Am Grateful For… True Love

Tracker Questions

How can you increase your love and devotion to Jesus, in order that your heart would actually desire a more intimate relationship with your Creator?



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