2/21/24 Lit Word “Anxieties Remedy”

Feb 21, 2024

Date: 2/21/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Leviticus 11:1 - 12:8
NT: Mark 5:21-43
Psalms: 38:1-22
Proverbs: 10:8-9

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Anxieties Remedy”

Scripture: Psalm 38:18

For I confess my iniquity; I am full of anxiety because of my sin.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

Anxiety is a by-product of being separated from God. When we are full of anxiety there is something deep within us that needs to be addressed. Sin separates us from God. Scripture teaches us that anything done apart from faith is sin. There are sins committed through actions and also sins committed through inactions. This could also be said another way. There are sins of omission and sins of commission. One version of sin takes place when you do not do something you know you should do, another version takes place when you do something you know you should not do. When we are caught in sin one effect it produces is anxiety.


Application: What will I do about it?

We are called to cast all of our anxieties upon Jesus because He cares for us. When we cast something, just like when you cast while fishing, you throw something away from you. The beauty is this, Jesus wants us to throw our sins upon His shoulders. He died to make way for us to be forgiven of our sins. Additionally, He also will teach us to not live in the effects of sin as we grow, mature and learn to cast them to Him. Today, let’s cast all of our cares on Him and allow Him to carry us through Holy Spirit into places of deep peace and trust, securely setting our feet on the solid ground of His death, resurrection and life He gives through Holy Spirit.



Holy Spirit, thank You for caring for me, thank You for taking my failure and sin upon your shoulders. Because You care for me, I can carry on in peace, life and love by the powers of heaven found in the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit. Amen.


I Am Grateful For… “Anxieties Remedy”

Tracker Questions

What are you anxious about these days?

How is this anxiety revealing a lack of faith and what will you do to stand in faith and cast your cares upon Jesus?

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