2/28/24 Lit Word "Delight in the Fight"

Feb 28, 2024

Date: 2/28/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Leviticus 22:17 - 23:44
NT: Mark 9:30 - 10:12
Psalms: 44:1-12
Proverbs: 10:18-19

Neal’s Lit Word


Scripture: Psalm 44:3

For not by their own sword did they win the land, nor did their own arm save them, but your right hand and your arm, and the light of your face, for you delighted in them.


Observation: What is God saying to me?

So often it is effort that is celebrated as strength but this is not what you celebrate. Instead, your strength is found in Me delighting in you. Through the impossible circumstances of your life I will uphold you because I delight in you.


Application: What will I do about it?

To gaze upon God is to look at the Lover who loves you perfectly. He doesn’t love you for your effort, He loves you because He made you. You are a work of art, a piece of clay God has been shaping through a process of trials and trust. Trust through trials will always lead to your deep transformation.


Holy God, it is only through you that transformation is apprehended. Jesus, I shift my focus once again to deeply rooted in relationship with You. Apart from You I can do nothing, through You, no trial is wasted. Each one leads to deep inward transformation and trust. I thank You Lord for your never ending love and purposeful delight.


I Am Grateful For… the delight of the Lord

Tracker Questions

How does the Lord’s delight in you take a load off of you?

How will you rest in the Lord through the trials of life today?

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