4/17/24 Lit Word “All My Fountains”

Apr 17, 2024

Date: 4/17/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Joshua 16:1 - 18:28
NT: Luke 19:1-27
Psalms: 87:1-7
Proverbs: 13:11

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “All My Fountains”

Scripture: Psalm 87:7

“All my springs of joy are in you.”

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Child, where are your springs of joy flowing from? I have an endless supply of joy stored up for you to experience. When you allow Me to be all your fountains of joy, then everything you do will be filled with joy. My joy is not conditional to circumstances, success or your plans going as expected. What used to bring you no joy can now bring you joy because your fountain shifted. True joy is not manufactured from humanity but instead is tapped into through connection to the Me.


Application: What will I do about it?

Root body, mind and spirit into the Fountain that flows with continual joy.
Lock my mind and spirit into the Fountain through Declarations, a spoken statement of faith that God is effecting change in my life.



Holy Spirit of the Living God, You are the Fountain that never runs dry. In You, is all joy, peace and life. I submit, commit and exist in your constant care. I understand today that I need You more than ever before. Apart from You nothing is good. Amen!


I Am Grateful For… the Fountain that won’t run dry.

Tracker Questions

Who, what or where do you find yourself turning for answers and joy most frequently when you turn away from God?

How can you put these things in their proper place so that you find your true joy by turning to God, the Fountain of joy?

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