4/24/24 Lit Word “Power Shift”

Apr 24, 2024

Date: 4/24/24
Today's Reading:
OT: Judges 4:1 - 5:31
NT: Luke 22:35-53
Psalms: 94:1-23
Proverbs: 14:3-4

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Power Shift”

Scripture: Luke 22:53

[Jesus’ reply to those who came to crucify Him]
“But this hour and the power of darkness are yours.”


Observation: What is God saying to me?

You can be given to the power of darkness or you can yield and submit to the power of light. Darkness is passing and its power will one day be removed forever. Access to the powers of darkness is more natural to you. Earthly emotions and principles allow you to naturally give yourself to dark powers of hate, envy and destruction.

Access to My power, light, love and liberty are only available to those who are born again, born of My Spirit. This heavenly strength comes through surrender. This is not natural, it’s supernatural. I want to give you My Spirit. It’s a gift I died to make available to you. Once you have submitted to Me, then this gift over time and through continual use and submission becomes the new normal of your life. You will then be living in a new power and strength that has no end.

Ephesians 3:20 God is able to do exceedingly abundantly, beyond all that we can ask, think or imagine [according to the power that is at work in you].


Application: What will I do about it?

Submit to a greater mission. God’s design and mission for humanity always leads to true fulfillment. To avoid His mission and make my agenda my first commitment ends in defeat and frustration. Surrender and receive strength to fulfill a heavenly calling and mission with never ending power from God.



Jesus, You have shown the way to everlasting impact. Once again, I turn from living in natural strength and surrender to Your divine power. Fill me with the light of life. Purge my heart, mind and body from chasing my mission. I submit to your greater mission and through submission embrace the co-mission. I am on a cooperative mission with You. Thank You for the support and strength to live it out. Amen.


I Am Grateful For… the “power shift”

Tracker Questions

Are there any “known” hindrances that keep you from living in the power of light? What are they?

How can you remove these hindrances from your life?

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