6/23/24 Lit Word “Lift Your Voice”

Jun 23, 2024

Date: 6/23/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Kings 6:1 - 7:20
NT: Acts 15:30 - 16:15
Psalms: 142:1-7
Proverbs: 17:24-25

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Lift Your Voice”

Scripture: Psalm 142:1-3,7

1 I cry aloud with my voice to the Lord; I make supplication with my voice to the Lord. 2 I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare my trouble before Him. 3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, you knew my path, the way where I should walk. 7 Bring my soul out of prison, so that I may give thanks to your name.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

When you are in the dark places of your life, lift your voice to Me. Cry out from the dark place and tell me what you are struggling with. When you are overwhelmed and don’t know where to go, lift your voice to Me. I can bring your soul out of the dark places, out of the depression that feels like a prison and revive your gratitude once again.


Application: What will I do about it?

Get away from people for a while and lift up your voice to God. Do not hold back when you do it. Allow yourself to get into the flow of the Spirit and pour out everything that is on your heart and mind. In your Tracker Journal, write down what you experienced when you lift your voice up to Him in the flow of the Holy Spirit.



Jesus, draw our attention to praying out loud and getting into the flow of the Spirit. Help us to get out of our heads by lifting our voices to You. We need You Lord, You hold the keys to life and know the path we are called to take. Lead us Jesus. Amen!


I Am Grateful For… God, who listens!

Tracker Questions

When is the last time you physically lifted up your voice to God in liberating prayer with no one else around you?

What did you experience when you lifted up your voice without holding back?

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