6/26/24 Lit Word "Stories to Tell"

Jun 26, 2024

Date: 6/26/24
Today's Reading:
OT: 2 Kings 10:32 - 12:21
NT: Acts 18:1-23
Psalms: 145:1-21
Proverbs: 18:1

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: "Stories to Tell"

Scripture: Psalm 145:4-6

4 One generation shall declare Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. 5 On the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wonderful works, I will meditate. 6 And men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts; and I will tell of Your greatness.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

The stories are to be passed on. The testimony of My ways, works and wonders must be passed from generation to generation.

Elijah the prophet thought he was alone in his generation as a testimony teller. He was not. You are not alone either. As in the days of Noah and Elijah, wickedness is racing like wildfire. It permeates the streets, media, mouths and minds of the surrounding generations.

The stories of my splendor silence the stubborn hearted and cause people to wonder about Me. I need you to be a storyteller. Tell the story as it happened. Tell of your failings. Tell of your struggles, hardships and pain. You don’t have to embellish the truth of what happened in your life, you need to share it with gut level honesty.

When your story is told, if you are being honest with yourself and those you are speaking to, it will sound something like this…

“I was blind but then He opened my eyes. I was lost but then He found me. Even after my eyes were opened and I found the way, I stumbled, fell, took wrong steps and made huge mistakes, but God was always faithful to me. His mercy was and is new every morning. My God is good and He doesn’t give me the punishment I deserve. Instead, He gives me grace. This is my story, this is why I sing songs and declare His wonderful acts to all who will listen.”

Application: What will I do about it?

As society steps toward Godlessness, I will be a storyteller. I will speak of the testimonies of God’s mercy toward me, His love in my mishaps, His power in my problems. I will pass on the stories of the “Ancient of Days” moving in the most current of ways. The next generation must experience this for themselves. Hopefully my story will entice them to try.


Holy Trinity, You have been so merciful to me. Time and time again You have rescued and delivered me from myself and from those who want to harm my family. I don’t deserve Your goodness, but I’m so grateful to have it. Allow me the grace to speak your stories with a humble heart. Amen.


I Am Grateful For… stories to tell

Tracker Questions

What is your “God Story” of his undeserved kindness to you?

How well are you doing at sharing the story of your failure and His mercy?

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