8/10/23 Lit Word "I Am Honored"

lit word Aug 10, 2023

Date: 8/10/23
Today's Reading:
Quick Read: Psalm 149
A Little More: Psalm 149: John 12 1-19
A Lot More: Psalm 149; John 12

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: "I Am Honored"

Scripture: John 12:26
Jesus said, “If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall My servant also be; if anyone serves Me the Father will honor him.”

Observation: What is God saying to me?
We don’t serve God for honor but honor the result of serving God.
Many people put themselves first. They self-serve before they serve God.
God gets their personal leftovers. Here’s the thing, leftovers aren’t acceptable to God. As the passage says, “if anyone serves Me, let him follow Me, and where I am there My servant shall be.”
If you serve yourself you go where you want and stay where you want.
If you serve Jesus you go where He wants and stay where He wants you to be. You can’t go your own way and say you are following Jesus.

Application: What will I do about it?
Here’s the good news! Though service to Jesus seems like a sacrifice at first, when we stay the course the end result is honor from God. We don’t do it for honor, but God is gracious enough to give us honor if we stay the course and serve Him. Why? Because Jesus is honored and we are in the presence of Jesus as His servants God will honor us too.

Heavenly Father, it’s an honor to serve You. You are precious in our sight.
Help your servants to stay close to You, to chase after you, to follow you.
Show us how we can serve You today. In Jesus Name, Amen.

I Am Grateful For… the honor of Jesus’ presence.

Tracker Questions
Describe some ways following Jesus has caused you to sacrifice going your own way?

What honor have you experienced as a result of your service to Jesus?

If you haven’t yet forsaken your own way to serve Jesus, are you ready to?



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