8/13/23 Lit Word "Pruning Season"

lit word Aug 13, 2023

Date: 8/13/23
Today's Reading:
Quick Read: John 15:1-17
A Little More: John 15
A Lot More: Psalm 2; Proverbs 4; John 15

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: Pruning Season

Scripture: John 15:2
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.

Observation: What is God saying to me?
Fruitfulness matters to God. Fruit can show up in many ways. The Holy Spirit produces fruit inside of us, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, and self control. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit He produces inside causes fruit to be seen on the outside in peoples lives being changed around us.

The Holy Spirit is all about pruning us to make us more fruitful. He gets rid of the dead branches that do not produce fruit, and also looks at the branches that will produce fruit and trims them up to maximize fruitfulness.

Application: What will I do about it?
When you are the one being pruned it doesn’t always feel the best. Pruning dead branches makes sense, but pruning branches that still seem to have some life in them hurts. We have to trust the Holy Spirit in the pruning process and allow Him to prune the branches even if we don’t understand why they have to go.

Heavenly Father, this isn’t always easy for Me. Yet, the longer I walk with you, the more I understand that you are great at pruning me. After going through a long pruning process, today, in Jesus name I declare a season of fruitfulness is almost here like I have never seen before. Amen!

I Am Grateful For… Pruning Season! Because it leads to fruit!

Tracker Questions
Describe any pruning the Holy Spirit may have been doing in your life in recent weeks or months.

How do you see this pruning making you more fruitful either now or in the future?



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