8/17/23 Lit Word "Good God Good Plan"

lit word Aug 17, 2023

Date: 8/17/23
Today's Reading:
Quick Read: John 19: 16-30
A Little More: John 19
A Lot More: Proverbs 7, Psalm 6, John 19

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: Good God Good Plan

Scripture: John 19:11
You would have no authority over Me unless it had been given to you from above;

Observation: What is God saying to me?
The word authority can be translated many ways, power, control, rule, grip, jurisdiction are a few words that mean the same thing. Jesus is saying to the men who are trying to kill Him, “The only reason you have power (control, rule, grip) over Me is because God is allowing it.”

He was confident in God’s plan and could trust God’s plan for a few reasons.

#1 He knew He was “right” with God.
#2 He knew God and His plans are good.
#3 He knew He was submitted to God therefore God was orchestrating the events of His life.
#4 He knew even though it was hard and humiliating at the moment, in the end the truth would prevail and greater works would be accomplished.

Application: What will I do about it?
Having a deep sense of trust in a good God’s good plan allows us to be ok when it seems like the world is falling apart around us. Here’s how we can have peace in the midst of chaos and public ridicule like Jesus did.

#1 Surrender and Submit to God completely (repentance)
#2 Reject all fear of man and fear of the future (guard heart and mind)
#3 Trust deeply that God is in control of all that happens to you
#4 Know with certainty (faith) that God’s plan is the best one


Holy Father, You know what is best at all times. Teach us to walk hand and hand with You. We surrender and submit today in a fresh way, knowing you have all things in control and your plans will accomplish much for your kingdom. Forgive our sins, work all things together for good as your word says. I claim and receive it in Jesus name! Amen.

I Am Grateful For… a Good God with a Good Plan

Tracker Questions
Describe a time in your life when things were happening to you that seemed unfair.

What have you learned from today's reading that will help you when you encounter times like that again?



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