8/26/23 Lit Word “Gaze On God”

lit word Aug 26, 2023

Date: 8/26/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Job 20:1-22:30
NT: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Psalms: 40:11-17
Proverbs: 22:2-4

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Gaze On God”

Scripture: Psalm 40:16
Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You;
Let those who love Your salvation say continually,
“The Lord be magnified!”

Observation: What is God saying to me?
When you magnify something or someone you make them bigger in your sight. When you magnify problems, problems consume your view. When you magnify Me, the Creator of all things, the King of Kings, then I become bigger in your sight. You give your vision to whatever you stare at. You must learn to Gaze at Me and Glance at Your Problems. Make Me larger in your sight than every other thing and I will cause you to rejoice and be glad no matter what you are walking through.

Application: What will I do about it?
Today, let's make a commitment to Gaze at God and glance at our problems. The Lord will bring an answer to all of our circumstances and situations. Our job is to get our directions from Him, not jump out and go in a direction before we get the instructions.

Heavenly Father, you give strength to the weary and hope to the hurting. Today we choose to fix our eyes on You and not the circumstances around us that seek to block our view of You. Thank you for joy in the middle of pain. You are the Way, we choose to walk with You. Amen

I Am Grateful For… the gift of gazing at God

Tracker Questions
Think back or describe a time where you obsessed over a problem and it stressed you out. Were you gazing more at God or your problems at that time?

When struggles arise in the future what will you do to set your gaze on God?


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