9/4/23 Lit Word "Bent Out of Shape"

lit word Sep 04, 2023

Date: 9/4/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18
NT: 2 Corinthians 7:8-16
Psalms: 48:1-14
Proverbs: 22:17-19

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Bent Out of Shape”

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:13

Consider the work of God, for who is able to straighten what He has bent?

Observation: What is God saying to me?

Child, I am the Maker of all things. Crooked roads can be straightened by Me. I AM ABLE to bend back into shape anything that is out of alignment.
No matter how much force you apply, you can’t straighten what I have bent.
What you can do is trust Me. Are you willing to place your broken road in My care? I can strike a straight blow with a crooked stick. I can straighten out a crooked stick. When you try to bend it back into shape it will break. When you let Me straighten your bent situation it will be better than new.

Application: What will I do about it?

When we get bent out of shape the Lord will bend us back into shape. Its okay if we get bent out of shape every once in a while, it gives God the opportunity to teach us to trust Him with our bent and broken lives.


Creator of all things. Whatever is bent out of shape right now I entrust to You. Only You can reshape our lives and problems in a permanent way.
Jesus, we trust You with our lives that get bent out of shape! Amen

I Am Grateful For… Being bent and straightened out again!

Tracker Questions

Think back and describe a time when you were all bent out of shape.

How will you trust God the next time you start to get bent out of shape?


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