9/9/23 Lit Word "Wayward Rescue Boat"

lit word Sep 09, 2023

Date: 9/9/23
Today's Reading:
OT: Isaiah 3:1-5:30
NT: 2 Corinthians 11:1-15
Psalms: 53:1-6
Proverbs: 22:28-29

Neal’s Lit Word

Title: “Wayward Rescue Boat”

Scripture: Psalm 53:3-4
3 But no, all have wandered astray, walking stubbornly toward evil.
Not one is good; he can’t even find one!
4 Look how they live in luxury while exploiting my people.
Won’t these workers of wickedness ever learn!
They never even think of praying to God.

Observation: What is God saying to me?

There is not a person on this earth who this does not apply to. Everyone was born into a fallen and wandering way in a wandering world. All the people in the world start off in the same boat, it’s called the “Wandering Way.” As people move through life they either want to stay on that boat or “abandon ship.” When they choose to get off the “Wandering Way,” then I, “Wayward Rescue Boat,” come and swoop them up and take them another direction. Once they board My boat, they become part of the “Rescue Crew” who seeks out and saves everyone that is lost and looking for another way.

Application: What will I do about it?

Today, we have a few great opportunities in front of us.
1. We can leave the “Wandering Way.”
2. We can board the “Wayward Rescue Boat”
3. We can join the “Rescue Crew” and help others go in a new direction.

Holy Spirit, You are the Captain of the ship. Thank You for throwing us a life raft and bringing us on board the Rescue Boat. Thank You for allowing us to help others find a new way and join a new crew.

I Am Grateful For… the Wayward Rescue Boat and a New Crew

Tracker Questions

Think back and describe a time when you were drowning, looking for a God size rescue boat and it pulled up to help.

What do you currently do to help rescue others who were drowning like you were?



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