Clear On Your Calling

mission spirit time Oct 21, 2021


LIT TITLE: Clear On Your Calling

LIT VERSE: Acts 13:2 And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

THOUGHT BREAKDOWN: We want our lives and directions to be clearly informed by the Holy Spirit. It’s this information that gives us confidence when we hit opposition and gives a warning when a random opportunity appears out of nowhere. If it’s not calling, we shouldn’t want it.

WHAT IS THE SPIRIT SAYING? The term “ministering to the Lord” means partaking in the Spirit. I like to say, Spirit Time, or Sitting with the Spirit. It’s the One Thing that Changes Everything. When we actively sit with the Spirit, we are engaged in listening and seeking and searching for all the Spirit would deposit into us. From this ACTIVE position, the Spirit Informs us. Gives us information! This information is what changes the course of our lives, it’s how we live into a calling and not just an inclination.

WHAT WILL I DO ABOUT IT? Today I will engage with the Spirit, live a called life and teach others to do the same.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… Spirit Sending


Would you clearly be able to say “this is where the Holy Spirit is sending me?”
If so, to where are you called, to what, and why are you called to it?
If not, what are you willing to do to get clear on your calling?


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