First Order of Business (4 Minute Read)

affect prayer sit with the spirit spirit time Oct 14, 2021


Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer.
Acts 3:19 Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.

There was a regular rhythm of prayer, and at this time it was known as the prayer hour. This shows the value the society and people were placing on connecting personally with the Lord.
Repentance and Re-Turning to God is the FIRST ORDER of business, or action that needs to be taken when we have knowingly or unknowingly walked away. When conviction shows up, we repent and return, the reward, is the presence of God. This passage says that “times of refreshing” come from the presence of God. -- So often we look for times of refreshing from so many other things. Food, drinks, chilling out… All of these are good and can be refreshing, but true refreshment comes from God's presence.


Get into a space of learning to enjoy prayer. When we enjoy prayer it’s because my presence is with you, when we don’t enjoy prayer, it may be because you have not fully entered into my presence. Allow me to teach you to enter into my presence more often and more easily. I want you to experience all I have for you, but you need to learn to return each day to me as your First Order of business.


Today I will focus my attention on prayer and presence with a fresh excitement.

the process of prayer and repentance that leads to refreshing presence.

Are you enjoying times of prayer or does it feel more like work?
When was the last time you genuinely felt refreshed in God's presence through personal prayer?
How will you commit to getting closer to the presence of God?

Neal’s Personal Track Steps for Today.
A Track Step is “how we start small but start now.”
If you’re not stepping your stalling

Track Step #1 (God) Daily Power Hours
Track Step #2 (Health) 30/45 Movement
Track Step #3 (Money) Cut Spending / Increase Income
Track Step #4 (People) Kaden - Sync Schedule - Intentional Results
Track Step #5 (Mission) Write / Post / Create / Challenge Every Day

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