Give Way (2 Minute Read)

mission track crew Oct 27, 2021

LIT VERSE: Acts 27:14,15 But before very long there rushed down from the land a violent wind, called Euraquilo; and when the ship was caught in it, and could not face the wind, we gave way to it, and let ourselves be driven along.

THOUGHT BREAKDOWN: Sometimes the wind is so rough we just have to give way. You may want to go a certain direction but can’t any longer. At the point you give way is the point you cast yourself and those on the ship with you at the mercy of God. He will drive you to where you need to go, sometimes you have to quit fighting the wind.

WHAT IS THE SPIRIT SAYING? Let go of how you are trying to control the ship. I am the captain, you are a shipmate. I am the leader, you are listening to my leadership. Don’t try to lead before you listen to what I have to say.

WHAT WILL I DO ABOUT IT? Today, I give way to the bigness of God directing through tumultuous times where I feel the need to jettison the cargo.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… ways made through windy storm tossed seas.

Are you fighting against anything you need to stop fighting?
What is it?
How are you called to let go and allow God to direct the ship?

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