Because of You

Season #1 Episode #6

LIT VERSE: Haggai 1:10 and 2:5-9

Because of you the sky has withheld its dew, and the earth has withheld its produce.
But… that’s going to change.
The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former. In this place I shall give peace.


You have an impact on what is and is not happening in life.

Here’s the context of the chapters:

Things were broken all around. A lot of effort was being made for not a lot of reward. Basically, it was a time of drought spiritually and physically. The Lord speaks to the people through Haggai the profit and tells them, it’s because of you.

He basically says, you need to get your priorities straight. Focus on what's most important, and things will change.

I like this passage because it puts responsibility back on us as people for the circumstances of what’s happening around us.


Don’t underestimate your importance to the Masters Plan. Many things do and do not happen because of you. You are My vessel. I have chosen to fill you and flow through you, therefore because of you and what you choose, change will or will not happen.


Today I will take these words to heart and allow them to redefine my direction and focus. I will take the responsibility seriously and not act as if it’s all by chance.

I AM GRATEFUL FOR… the responsibility


  • Do you blame others for your circumstances, or do you take responsibility?
  • What areas of your life do you need to focus on and take responsibility for?

Neal’s Personal Track Steps for Today.

A Track Step is “how we start small but start now.” If you’re not stepping your stalling

  • Track Step #1 (God) Because of You
  • Track Step #2 (Health) 3x3 upper/lunge
  • Track Step #3 (Money) Desert Valley’s Check in
  • Track Step #4 (People) Wendy
  • Track Step #5 (Mission) Community Impact Plan